Mike developed a Joomla 2.5 site for Pearson Equipment.
The website has layouts for desktop, tablet and smart phones. Using the Mobile Joomla extension, Mike was able to give mobile layouts a map as the home page for the on the go user.
Pearson Equipment is using the content construction kit K2 to spice up the product layouts. Using the extra fields section of K2 Pearson is able to put product specs in the product information in a consistent manner so the end user doesn't get overwhelmed with specs being laid out differently depending on where they are.
Mike developed a custom K2 plugin that allows Pearson to select a K2 item as footer text on product pages.
Virtuemart in combination with K2 Mart has been installed for future eCommerce capability. K2 Mart allows Pearson to enter their products for sale online in K2 along with the rest of their content.
There is also a custom Frontpage Slideshow template for the home page.